Boarding or lodging house | | |
Bulletin board for a church or public building | | |
Church or temple | | 1 for each 6 seats in main auditorium |
College or university | | 1 for each 3 students or staff |
Community center | | |
Farm, vegetable or flower garden or plant nursery, anywhere, but without raising of livestock and poultry within the city limits | | |
Home occupation | | |
Lodge or private club (which is of a noncommercial character) | | 1 for each 125 sq. ft. of ground floor area |
Mortuary | | 1 for each 6 seats in chapel |
Municipal or governmental building | | 1 for each 125 sq. ft. of ground floor area |
Nursing home or homes for the aged | | |
Professional office in residence of practicing professional person | | |
Public library of museum | | 1 for each 125 sq. ft, of ground floor area |
Public park or public recreational facility | | |
Public utilities building or right-of-way, including purposes essential to utilities operation, but not including commercial or industrial structures or uses in S, R1, R2, C or LB Districts | | 1 for each 3 employees in the building |
Roadside stands of a temporary nature for the sale by the producer of agricultural and plant nursery products raised on the premises | | |
School, public or parochial | | 1 for each 3 members of the staff plus 1 for each 8 seats in auditorium |
Temporary sign, pertaining to lease, hire or sale of a building or premises | | |
Tourist home | | |